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Idea Management Software

Engage your internal and external crowds using the latest idea management technology to fast-track innovation and drive value for your organisation

  • Ability to innovate across internal and external crowds
  • Use the latest AI-driven idea management technologies
  • Suite of metrics, reporting and dashboards to track and drive ROI
  • Enterprise grade platform that’s secure, scalable and integrated
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Open Innovation Marketplace

InnoCentive is the global pioneer in crowdsourced innovation. We help innovative organizations accelerate R&D, Innovation, Data mining & forecasting and Collaborative Design outcomes.

  • Our One Smart Crowd of 500,000 people brings global expertise and diversity
  • 78% Success rate with our proven Challenge Driven Innovation
  • 10x cheaper and 4x faster than traditional methods
  • Unrivalled experience - 2,500 Challenges - 200,000 solutions proposed
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